Gabriel Rocha
Desenvolvedor | Java | Spring | JavaScript | MySQL
Brasília, Brasília
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Gabriel Rocha
há 1 mês
Integra Nota Fiscal
This project is a Jakarta EE application developed with Spring Data JPA for data persistence, Lombok to reduce boilerplate code, and Spring MVC for creating RESTful APIs. It is configured to run with Java 21 on port 8083. Essentially, this project aims to integrate with payment gateways to generate invoices in an easier and more efficient way.
GitHub - GabrielRochaFC/IntegraNotaFiscal: This project aims to integrate with payment gateways to generate invoices in an easier and more efficient way.
This project aims to integrate with payment gateways to generate invoices in an easier and more efficient way. - GabrielRochaFC/IntegraNotaFiscal
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