José Brito e Silva

há 7 anos · 0 min. de leitura · ~100 ·

Blog por José
Caricatura de Vinicius de Moraes

Caricatura de Vinicius de Moraes

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José Brito e Silva

há 7 anos #8

Valeu Juan Imaz !

José Brito e Silva

há 7 anos #7

Obrigado Maria Luiza Freitas de Oliveira

CityVP Manjit

há 7 anos #6

Yes, this is what I mean by nutrition, the quality of consumption. Empty consumption has no nutritional value and this can stem from ignorance or indifference or even decadence

José Brito e Silva

há 7 anos #5

Tens toda razão. A arte, de certo modo nos concilia, seja ela antiga, moderna ou contemporânea, expondo nossas contradições: o velho não é tão velho assim e o que parecia novo, muitas vezes pode não ser tão novo como ver os olhos do gosto individual. Quando falo no consumo, digo do consumo sem qualidade, sem alma, sem poesia, sem reflexão, sem ter o ser humano como principal...Um “consumo vazio”, o “consumo pelo consumo”. Um amigo meu, diz que vive sempre com um pé no passado e outro no futuro, porque o “presente é uma chatice monumental”.

CityVP Manjit

há 7 anos #4

"música de consumo" is a nice way of speaking about mass consumption. We want poetic content and we are interested in the aesthetic because we are poetic people, with aesthetic minds and hearts - which means that both of us are not consumers simply feeding from the machinery of economies. It also means that we can speak two different languages and still understand each other at the human level. Mass consumers may speak the same language but turn their language into superficial communication, and then so called experts tell us that we must communicate at Grade Six level so we can reach these consumers. I choose nutrition over consumption and this buzz represents the nutrition of great people and so I value it. Great people are timeless and so I value having access to history, because it is our choices that makes history come alive, for then we have made the old new again. So for me this making the old new again is far more than "sem saudosismo barato" it is the wellness of life in my blood and the flow of my neurons in my brain - and that is why I choose to view the mass consumer as an art form. I see this in this picture of Angelina Jolie and from that caricature with the big red lips of media consumption we either find people like us who think about life or we find those stuck in their 15 minutes of Andy Warhol fame - the people who want to kiss the red lips of Angelina Jolie more than they want to feel what it means to be alive. We either line our stomachs with mass consumption or we find the guts of our own nutrition as it feeds our mind and heart.

José Brito e Silva

há 7 anos #3

Hoje, no mundo inteiro, existe a chamada "música de consumo", que mobiliza uma indústria poderosa e, em muitos casos abrem mão do conteúdo poético, estético e musical. Não que não temos bons novos artistas, existem sim uma geração de grandes e talentosos artistas mas, ainda assim, quando quero ouvir música - o quê faça todos os dias-, sem saudosismo barato, bebo na fonte do passado.

CityVP Manjit

há 7 anos #2

Enjoyed learning about the life of Vinicius de Moraes and I checked into a performance with him and his friends here I had no idea that the Olympic mascot was named after this artist until I read the Billboard article. So this has been my first exposure to this man - and from your share, I am now aware of this renaissance man We assume that people know the music greats but I was surprised when I mentioned the name of Elvis Presley to my kids, and they replied "Who is Elvis Presley?" - and this is all a factor of the latest music drowning out the past. There are boomers who have no idea of the names of performers who appeal to Millennials. What is however important here, is to learn about music and its association with other nations, not simply the music we may have grown up listening to. To me music is not about the track of my own life, that is a rather selfish and superficial way of looking and listening to music. To me music is the gateway to the ear - much more important before image makes us biased towards how the performer looks like. With the focus on my ear, I get to learn to listen more deeply and there is a greater delayed satisfaction in that compared to the instant gratification world we live in, a world where music has also become a source of instant gratification.

José Brito e Silva

há 7 anos #1

T\u00falio Ratto

Artigos de José Brito e Silva

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