Neto Montana

há 5 anos · 1 min. de leitura · ~10 ·

Blog por Neto
Dreaming is necessary, loving is a privilege and living is indispensable

Dreaming is necessary, loving is a privilege and living is indispensable


To dream like princes to preserve the castles before the diverse battles, works of effort and the privilege of honoring that of more beautiful does the human being. Fights for those who see closely seem cruel, but those who see from afar seem to have some theoretical meaning. The senses do not function at a distance, but the distance tells a lot of history. Seeing things closely can be a bit overwhelming, tasks delegated to the soldiers of the kingdom.

There are those who travel the distances of the immensity of the world, walking the edges of stories and cultures, built by princes and soldiers, there are those who approach the reign of contradictions with their sword in the drama of relations. To swim or to drown, to war or to indulge in the reverie of stories full of rebellious dreams, rebellious loves and rebellious lives. Between the nobles and the plebeians, between those who are the mouthpieces and those who listen.

It is necessary to be a little soldier to get close to the deepest and tormented battles full of conflicting dreams, conflicting loves and conflicting experiences, and that it is not always possible to be successful with binoculars from the top of the castle of the noble aristocracy. By far the battle may be more superficial as an assisted play. Facing dreams, loves and experiences. But regardless of the distance one lives or can see, any story has dreams, loves and experiences, because dreaming is necessary, loving is a privilege and living is indispensable.


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