Neto Montana

há 6 anos · 1 min. de leitura · ~10 ·

Blog por Neto
Martyrs of Chicago and Labor Day on May 1

Martyrs of Chicago and Labor Day on May 1

On May 1, 1886, workers from the city of Chicago came together to claim their rights in the face of a hard day's work from 13 hours to 8 hours a day, a little over a hundred years later under the heated influence of the Industrial Revolution begun in England in 1760 The development of industry and the impact on workers' lives brought a strong appeal for better working conditions giving rise to protests spreading to other American cities, leading to the standstill and strike that culminated in the Haymarket Affair that led The tragic death of several police officers and workers.

Until 1889 in Paris, an organization called Socialist International determined on May 1 the date to be remembered as a milestone in the struggle and conquest for workers' rights that began in the city of Chicago and spread throughout the world. Many other countries have thus adopted the date as Spain, most European countries, Russia, China, India, most Latin American countries, Africa respectively.

Since then much has been done and much has changed in the laws of the workers and their conditions. The ways of doing the work, the implantation of new technologies, new functions that have appeared, have brought to the world of work a new reality. It is indispensable to realize the leap that the Industrial Revolution contributed to the current configuration of the world, it would be like an overnight jump from a world basically inhabited by peasants and predominantly rural work and another inhabited by factory workers who produce in series . A sudden change that made possible the market as we know it today. Day 1 of May is a date to be remembered and celebrated by the (revolution) and achievements of the direct that the workers acquired, but its origin does not always bring comfortable memories ...


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