Neto Montana

há 7 anos · 1 min. de leitura · ~10 ·

Blog por Neto
Reflections about basic needs and social interactions

Reflections about basic needs and social interactions


Insisting, persisting is one of the most difficult virtues when reality seems to be all averse and against us, when it favors everything flows quickly and our projects follow. We do not know for sure whether there really is a law that guides us or a destination that leads us, or if it is really a touch of luck that lights us in the right place at the right time. There are warriors who, even in the face of all odds, fight untiringly without letting their sword and shield fall.

One thing is certain ... however much we have facilities, life will always require of us, for the simple fact of being 'human' and within this condition, we will always have to walk along with our shadow that are the 'basic needs' and that for Being vital to our existence go unnoticed from the many realities of everyday life.

For those who are employed and gaining a reasonable value, housing and food are valued, and access to education, health and the media opens doors for access to other necessities, creating new demands and what is 'basic' goes To be unnoticed for those who live in the reality of the average life. For the lucky ones the demands of average life and their needs are miles away, their consumption ideals being almost inexpressible and insignificant in a life of repeated abundance and luxury, the basic needs are for them a reality of another world. The opposite of the average life and of the lucky life, there remains the basic condition ... in which the human being confronts with his reality full of needs and to overcome them it is necessary to use his work machine (body and mind) to generate subsidies for Essential and vital needs.

Thus are the various realities that converge and that communicate with each other, thus making society a pulsating ball, a gear that does not stop, and the basic needs will always be in the shadow of its interlocutors, present even not being perceived, as a curtain Unconscious that at the same time guides social interactions.


Lyon Brave

há 7 anos #1

I want the lucky life

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