Neto Montana

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Blog por Neto
The importance of translating situations

The importance of translating situations


Life always brings something different every day, sometimes we have a sleepy look, a sense of reality far from the place where we are, here comes the surprise, the shaking, the bridge that falls, the moment of proof ...

Which will definitely put us on the test, are we able to survive or will we be carried away by the flood? The theory is all beautiful and distant, pure demagoguery of words, far from feeling and living the real situations, the one that hurts, hurts the soul and for a moment breaks us but after surpassing comes the relief of the bonanza.

Experiencing is necessary so that we can put our true talents into practice, as the loss teaches us to give more value to things we did not give, to go through solitary moments to value companies and this is still a practical learning how to know if Put in the embarrassed situations, and thus use our potential to translate experiences into knowledge.

In companies, in everyday life, in social life, in the professional, content is important but knowing the moment to use them is fundamental, depending on the way we act a whole job can be drifted, in the blink of an eye, Just as the hard earned trust can be ruined by a quick and unhappy attitude, the ability and care of translating situations is indispensable.

Intelligence is essential ... but wisdom is indispensable ... the intelligent understands but only the wise conquest ... knowing how to translate situations is knowing how to put them in the best way.


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