Neto Montana

há 6 anos · 1 min. de leitura · 0 ·

Blog por Neto
The journey of 'creating' and 'leading'

The journey of 'creating' and 'leading'


We are passengers, following paths, perishable to time. In this journey there have always been two ways - to build and to lead, some to build while others are taken, time with its 'strong invisible winds' pushes everything ahead, and 'we' human beings and full of pretensions we did not escape. In the current periods with the great demand of information and the developed technology, it made possible a democratic opening of the consumption of information never before happened, the great public happened to have access to the content that previously only select, studious and curious institutions had.

On the one hand there was the benefit of the 'mass consumption of the masses', on the other hand there was also the growth of the 'pushed out' of those who are content pirates, in which they do anything to gain popularity and profit from content of dubious content, away from the creative process to push any controversy to the sale. It is also noted that even the big media and tabloids have joined the pimp content to sell more the 'big masses'. For they know that controversy is easier to call attention to, and incredible as it may seem to have become commonplace.

It would not be more interesting for 'creators' to start creating more intelligent and interesting things for the masses, even if the controversy is easy to get noticed and sold, people also like to consume playful and intelligent things - no matter how much the industry is underestimating people's intelligence. As I quote in the paragraph above, everything has its two sides, that of 'creating' and 'taking'. It seems that, in the present day the convenience for bad content, there was a burst of media focused on tragedies, polemics and cool things. Over time this kind of information becomes repetitive and tiresome because the great key of creation is intelligence. And intelligence is also part of our journey.


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